
We know that Discus fish are renowned for their elegance and unique dietary needs. Whether you're raising Symphysodon aequifasciatus or Symphysodon discus, our selection includes options tailored to their specific dietary requirements. Rest assured that our Discus Food offerings are sourced from trusted brands and formulated to enhance coloration, promote growth, and maintain overall health. We believe that a well-fed Discus is a happy and healthy one.

Dymax Discus Gold Sinking Pellets is formulated specifically to provide a complete nutritional diet for Discus.

From: $29.95 – $69.95

DS-G1 Pro Discus is specially formulated to suit the unique development of Discus, including a wide variety of strains – Red Melon, Blue Turquoise, Albino, Pigeon Blood, Wild discus and many more. 


Regular Sinking Pellet 1mm-1.5mm
New Life Spectrum Discus sinking pellet food is packed with high-quality, nutrient-dense ingredients that provide the right balance of protein, fat and fiber along with…


Ideal For Most Community Tank Species, Especially Those Who Prefer Live Foods Like Bettas and Tetras.


A Scientific Diet For All Varieties Of Discus, Angelfish, Dwarf Cichlids & Other Tropical Fish.


Fish Fuel Co. Community Food contains everything your fish need for optimum health plus Astaxanthin, a natural colour enhancer so that your fish look their best.


Fish Fuel Co. Heart & Prawns contains everything your freshwater carnivorous fish need for optimum health including a specially made multi-vitamins and minerals formula.


Fish Fuel Co. Discus Food contains everything your fish need for optimum health plus Astaxanthin, a natural colour enhancer so that your fish look their best.


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